2025 Port City Open Youth Results
WDF Girls’ 1st – Calie Penney – Canada2nd – Taylor Farrell –...
We’re just over a month away from a huge weekend for American Youth players! The Witch City Open in Nashua NH, plays host to both the ADO National Youth Championship, AND...
So far, the following Youth Tournaments are ranked by the World Darts Federation. Others will be added when received. Feb 25-27 – Camellia Classic, Sacramento, CA Feb 25-27 – Port City...
Here are the twelve World Darts Federation (WDF) Ranked youth events to be held in the U.S. in 2019. Feb 08-10 – Camellia Classic (Sacramento, CA) Feb 22-24 – Port City...
Here is the complete list of ADO tournaments that will be ranked by the World Darts Federation in 2018. Senior Events January 19-21 – NODOR Fleetwood Memorial Las Vegas Open, Las...
There are twelve American Youth Events that will be ranked by the WDF in 2017. Feb 10-12, 2017 – Camellia Classic, Sacramento, CA. Feb 24-26, 2017 – Port City Open, Portland,...
Calling all ADO Youth Darters! The Americas Cup Qualifier is just a month away, and this is your opportunity to represent the USA at the Americas Cup in Barbados! We...
In exactly the same way as the main ADO website, this Youth website relies on input from ADO members and tournaments, so the more information we receive, the more content there...
Hello everyone! 2016 is right around the corner, and the World Darts Federation has allotted the ADO a total of twelve WDF-ranked Youth events for the year. I am so glad...